Thrive Whole Health and Yoga is dedicated to helping you experience a deeper sense of well-being.
Thrive endeavors to equip you with tools and information to use all-natural, God-given means to achieve whole health.
Thrive strives to challenge, encourage, and equip you to find wellness, purpose and Shalom peace.
"I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers."
3 John 2
Have you ever received a diagnosis and felt defeated. I've been there. Close to my 30th birthday, I began passing kidney stones and was told my kidneys were functioning at about 60%. I quickly learned I was my own best advocate...my own best physician. It has been a journey, but my kidneys now function in the normal range. This experience has drawn me towards a pursuit of whole health -- in body, mind, and spirit. I'd love to help you in your pursuit of whole health.
I am passionate about God's creation -- our bodies and their ability to heal given the proper tools, medicine found in nature through the use of herbs and essential oils, and the peace, comfort and energy we derive just from spending time outdoors. I love spending my free time hiking, playing tennis, reading, traveling, going to the movies, and hanging out with my husband, kids, and fur babies. I also enjoy volunteering as a MOPS "Mom" and serving in the nursery at church.
I first discovered and tried yoga about 10 years ago after a stubborn ankle injury thinking it would be an "easy" way to get back in shape. I quickly discovered that although is was NOT easy, I found I began to have a greater sense of confidence and connection to my body; and, I became stronger, more flexible, and fearless -- on and off the mat.
By becoming a certified yoga instructor and essential oil distributor, I look forward to helping you care for your God-given temple.
Blessings, Lorie